BCPS Hosts 2023 Senior Send-Off Drive-through Event for High School Seniors Experiencing Housing Instability

As seniors prepare for the next stage in their education, HANDY teamed up with the Broward Education Foundation and Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) Homeless Education Assistance Resource Team (HEART) to provide each graduating senior who experienced homelessness with $1,000 scholarship plus educational case management. We were met with lots of smiles and tears of gratitude!

HANDY Scholarship program follows youth’s post-secondary education while providing educational case management. Youth learn how to navigate the post-secondary world and learn life skills such as budgeting, time management and social-emotional competencies. The HANDY scholarship can be applied to the bookstore for supplies, financial aid for tuition, housing assistance as well as food assistance. Our mission is to support youth in every aspect so they can focus on their academics. Youth “graduate” from the program once they obtain their certificate/degree. They are celebrated at the annual Scholars’ breakfast each May.